February 2018 Meeting Recap

In this Valentine month we had a sweetheart of a February meeting! It was so great to see everyone after such a long time. With 31 in attendance, which included 5 visitors, we basked in the warmth of quilty goodness! Now on to the minutes. I apologize in advance for how lengthy this is! We covered a LOT on Thursday!

The meeting opened greeting the visitors and each member individually. It was so fun to see and hear from everybody..........then it was on to business.

Lynn Carson Harris: The Northern Lights Guild has invited us to partner with them in bringing Lynn Carson Harris to Duluth the weekend of October 5th for a trunk show and two days of teaching. We have sent a poll to all members asking their preferences in what classes they would like to see offered.

Project Pouch: There will be a Project Pouch sewing day on Saturday, March 3rd at Harrison Community Center, 3002 W 3rd Street. We haven't yet set a start time so watch you inbox and the member's only Facebook page for an announcement. Twelve inch zippers in a variety of colors will be available for use. Reminder! This is a year long project and at the end of the year we'll have a drawing with a FABULOUS prize for those who participated. To earn entries, a pouch only donation = 1 ticket, a toiletries only donation = 1 ticket, a filled pouch donation = 2 tickets. Bring your pouches to meetings as you complete them. We'll keep track of earned tickets through out the year. As we have filled pouches we'll bring them to the Women's Shelter. You may use any pouch pattern you like. If you want to use the Open Wide pouch, the tutorial pdf can be accessed by clicking on the link below. The zippers that were donated fit the Medium Open Wide Pouch.


Riley Blake Challenge: We will have an LSMQG Riley Blake challenge as we have had the past two years. Guidelines for the challenge are the same as the guidelines for the National guild challenge with the exception that the solids you add to the Riley Blake challenge fabrics do not have to be Riley Blake solids. We'll have our Riley Blake challenges show and tell at the June meeting. Those who bring a completed challenge item to share will be entered into a special drawing.

New Meeting Location: It was announced that beginning with the March meeting we will move to Harrison Community Center, 3002 W 3rd Street, for our monthly meetings. Parking is available on both sides of 3rd Street and there is a parking lot on the west side of the park/baseball fields. We greatly appreciate the generosity that Karen McTavish has shown in sharing her studio space with us. She has been such a supporter of the guild and supporter of many within the guild. Karen, you have no idea how much your support has meant to us!

2018 Quilt a Long/Block of the Month: Alane shared with us her beautiful quilt design that will be our guild 2018 quilt a long. Directions for the first block were shared, along with a coloring sheet that can be used to plan out fabric choices and color placement. Alane's pattern is designed to introduce a variety of blocks and construction techniques. It is also an opportunity to play with color as a design element. The quilt finishes 70" by 70". A PDF of the full design, the coloring sheet and instructions for the first block can be accessed by clicking on the link below. Bring the first completed block to the April meeting so we can see everyone's different versions and visions!


Then Alane conducted a session about organizing your stash and scraps. She shared her technique for organizing by color, cutting up scraps into usable sizes and folding fabric. She also shared with us many links she found helpful in researching the topic of how to organize your stash and sewing space. Below are the links to the websites that she shared with us.

Color Organization: The Art of Choosing by Jeni Baker from her blog In Color Order http://www.incolororder.com/p/art-of-choosing.html

Fabric Folding Tutorials: Folding Tutorial on YouTube and I Always Pick the Thimble

Scrap Management: Lori Holt from Bee in My Bonnet and Pat Sloan's Scrap Busting Plan

Sewing Room Organization Ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/alane_davis/craft-room-love/

In our April Meeting we will continue discussing color and choosing fabrics and go over in more detail the tutorial by Jeni Baker, 'The Art of Choosing'

Quilter of the Month: Heidi shared with us three beautiful quilts she recently finished and shared with us a bit of her recent quilty journey and inspiration. It was so great to see her quilts and learn more about her. If you would like to be featured during a month this year, please sign up during our next meeting. Joan will be our Quilter of the Month for March. Thank you Joan!

Snacks: Snacks were provided by Ruthann. If you can bring a snack to March's meeting please email lakesuperiormqg@gmail.com to let us know!

Show and Tell: We had a BIG show and tell on Thursday!

Well, I think that's it! It was a packed night! Don't forget......March's meeting will be at Harrison Community Center, 3002 W 3rd Street.


Lake Superior Sunrise At QuiltCon


Luminary Quilt Class